
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tranquility's First Post...I'm so excited!

Okay, people, I am so excited to post my first thingy. But the problem is, there are too few choices! So please, post below to give any genius post ideas. Here are a few ideas of mine. If you like them, let me know and I'll be sure to carry them out.
  • Modest Fashion Ideas. I will provide you with tips on dressing in a way that respects the guys around us--and are pretty classy.
  • Amazing Gluten-Free, Naturally sweetened, Super-Dupper-Easy Recipes. I am, like, an expert on the art of making air, coconut oil, honey, and leaves (don't ask me) taste delicious. 
  • Random (sort of stupid) Things We Do. This doesn't mean jumping off a loft bed at a sleepover as you lip-sing to a 1D song...more along the lines of dressing up and calling ourselves names like "Butterfart", "Pickled Hips", and "Mushybroom".
  • Cool photos and Paintings done us. We very well could surprise you.
  • Then of course there are book and movie suggestions, 5 Things Every Guy Should Know About Girls, and stories about us. 
And other than that, we'll be updating you on stuff that happens in our lives. Such as this following update of mine:
So, recently, I've been super distracted. I am trying to do High School in two years (if you're surprised, you must not know any homeschoolers), but some things have been catching my attention more easily than French and Math. Such as, writing, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Blimey Cow, Studio C, and Him. (Minor-key music)
Yup, there's someone in my life i just can't get my mind off of. And to add to the trouble, everyone knows about it and is encouraging me..."Wow, this is making me so happy, I can't believe it." but somewhere I know this isn't gonna last and one day he comes up to me and sort of drops a hint that our little thing is over. Now, I'm crushed. I realize that my happiness depended on that special someone. 
In this example I've learned that certain fleshly pleasures are only temporary and that certainly includes guys/girls. If you have a Him, that's great! Go you, you're a normal human being! But if his attention and approval and his presence in your life begin to be essential to your happiness, I suggest backing off a step or two. JESUS IS WATCHING YOU! Slow down and remember you can stand on your own two feet. HE'S WITH YOU!
Okay, so yeah, there's my story. And, yes, I do have a him. But thankfully, I've learned to take away the caps and italics and just enjoy him in a non-idolizing way...or at least I'm trying! So, Leave Room For Jesus!
May Aslan Melt Away All Your Fears,

Postscript to my fellow mashters: Heh, got you this time, 'cause i am so ecstatic about this first post that i could just go and punch someone face and fly to the moon and back and...and...tell Sam that I love him so much i could kill him with a pointy thingy! AHHHHH! (For Readers: Sam is...yeah never mind. But i had a dream that he stabbed me with a bayonet and the only reason I survived was because the Holy Spirit came upon me and i was healed! YAY!) Okay, that I've calmed down, I'm not actually gonna tell Sam i love him (that would probably be stupid because he might propose) or stab him with a bayonet. That would be a dream come the worst way. Okay, I'm choking up...


May Aslan Melt Away All Your Fears, and thanks for reading! Tranquility

1 comment:

  1. You should post about RANDOM stuff! I may be organized, but I usually crave some disorganized stuff, like really complicated plot lines that end up being fixed in the end. And I love Blimey Cow! My favorite episode by them has got to be the one about the type of kids that you meet at Youth Group.

    xoxo Morning
